
Exploiting Ultra Low Loss Silicon Nitride Platform for Various Applications


Xingchen Ji,Columbia University


2020-09-24 10:00:00 ~ 2020-09-24 11:30:00


Yuye Ling


Photonics uses light rather than electrons to perform a wide variety of applications. Silicon photonics, in particular, has gained a lot of interest in the last few decades due to its ability to control light at chip-scale. Although the field has its roots in the telecommunications industry, it has expanded to many new applications such as sensing, spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, opto-mechanics, and even neuroscience. Nonlinear optics has been greatly benefited from the chip-scale devices. Because light can be tightly confined inside these devices, nonlinear effects can be strongly enhanced. In recent years, there has been progress in development of microresonator-based Kerr frequency comb, these frequency combs have triggered a large number of applications, including in atomic clocks, optical communications, dual-comb spectroscopy, frequency synthesizers and sensing. However, simultaneously achieving ultra low-loss and high confinement which is critical for nonlinear optics remains a challenge.


In this talk, I will set out to address this challenge in order to enable new applications. Silicon nitride is chosen as the material platform here. It allows us to achieve ultra low-loss and observe nonlinear processes with record-low power. I will start with an overview of the loss origins and general fabrication process of most photonic devices. A more detailed explanation of critical process steps are presented. Then I will talk about applications utilizing ultra low-loss silicon nitride platform such as frequency combs generation, narrow linewidth lasers, on-chip tunable delay line and so on. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion of possible research avenues one could take to build upon work presented here.

Xingchen Ji is a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University in the City of New York. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University in 2018, advised by Professor Michal Lipson. During his Ph.D, his research has focused on ultra low-loss microresonator fabrication and microresonator frequency combs. He has reported the lowest threshold in silicon nitride resonators for frequency comb generation. At Columbia University, Xingchen has continued his research in integrated photonics and developing platforms for real-world applications. He has co-authored 76 scientific publications (29 refereed journal publications and 47 conference publications) and have been cited > 1400 times. His works have been widely cited in top high-impact journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Photonics, Optica, Physical Review Letters, APL Photonics and have been featured in many news reports. He is also invited as reviewer for high-impact journals such as Nature Communications, Advanced Optical Materials, Photonics Research, APL Photonics, Advanced Materials Technologies, Optics Letters, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics and Journal of Lightwave Technology.
© John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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