Lecture notes 20190426

Denotations Versus Triples 2

Require Import PL.Imp8.
Import Assertion_D.
Import Abstract_Pretty_Printing.


We will prove Hoare logic's soundness today. Recall that a Hoare logic is sound when all provable Hoare triples are valid.
Definition hoare_sound (T: FirstOrderLogic): Prop :=
  P c Q,
    ⊢ {{ P }} c {{ Q }} →
    ⊨ {{ P }} c {{ Q }}.
We will prove that if the logic for assertion derivation is sound, then the corresponding Hoare logic is also sound. Similarly, an assertion is called valid if it is satisfied on all interpreations. And a logic for assertion derivation is called sound, if every provable assertion is valid.
Definition FOL_valid {T: FirstOrderLogic} (P: Assertion): Prop :=
  J: Interp, JP.

Definition FOL_sound (T: FirstOrderLogic): Prop :=
  P: Assertion, FOL_provable PFOL_valid P.
Now, we will start our Hoare logic soundness proof.
Lemma hoare_seq_sound : (P Q R: Assertion) (c1 c2: com),
  ⊨ {{P}} c1 {{Q}} →
  ⊨ {{Q}} c2 {{R}} →
  ⊨ {{P}} c1;;c2 {{R}}.
  unfold valid.
  simpl in H2.
  unfold Relation_Operators.concat in H2.
  destruct H2 as [st1' [? ?]].
  specialize (H _ _ _ H1 H2).
  specialize (H0 _ _ _ H H3).
  exact H0.

Lemma hoare_skip_sound : P,
  ⊨ {{P}} Skip {{P}}.
  unfold valid.
  simpl in H0.
  unfold Relation_Operators.id in H0.
  rewrite <- H0.
  exact H.

Lemma hoare_if_sound : P Q (b: bexp) c1 c2,
  ⊨ {{ P AND [[b]] }} c1 {{ Q }} →
  ⊨ {{ P AND NOT [[b]] }} c2 {{ Q }} →
  ⊨ {{ P }} If b Then c1 Else c2 EndIf {{ Q }}.
  unfold valid.
  simpl in H2.
  unfold if_sem in H2.
  unfold Relation_Operators.union,
         Relation_Operators.filter1 in H2.
  destruct H2 as [[? ?] | [? ?]].
  + apply H with st1.
    - simpl.
      pose proof beval_bexp'_denote st1 La b.
    - exact H2.
  + apply H0 with st1.
    - simpl.
      simpl in H3.
      pose proof beval_bexp'_denote st1 La b.
    - exact H2.

Lemma hoare_while_sound : P (b: bexp) c,
  ⊨ {{ P AND [[b]] }} c {{P}} →
  ⊨ {{P}} While b Do c EndWhile {{ P AND NOT [[b]] }}.
  unfold valid.
  simpl in H1.
  unfold loop_sem in H1.
  unfold Relation_Operators.omega_union in H1.
  destruct H1 as [n ?].
  revert st1 H0 H1; induction n; intros.
  + simpl in H1.
    unfold Relation_Operators.intersection,
           Relation_Operators.filter1 in H1.
    destruct H1.
    subst st2.
    pose proof beval_bexp'_denote st1 La b.
  + simpl in H1.
    unfold Relation_Operators.intersection,
           Relation_Operators.filter1 in H1.
    destruct H1 as [[st1' [? ?]] ?].
    apply IHn with st1'.
    - apply H with st1.
      * simpl.
        pose proof beval_bexp'_denote st1 La b.
      * exact H1.
    - exact H2.

Lemma Assertion_sub_spec: st1 st2 La (P: Assertion) (X: var) (E: aexp'),
  st2 X = aexp'_denote (st1, La) E
  (Y : var, XYst1 Y = st2 Y) →
  ((st1, La) ⊨ P[ XE]) ↔ ((st2, La) ⊨ P).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Lemma hoare_asgn_bwd_sound : P (X: var) (E: aexp),
  ⊨ {{ P [ XE] }} X ::= E {{ P }}.
  unfold valid.
  simpl in H0.
  destruct H0.
  pose proof aeval_aexp'_denote st1 La E.
  rewrite H2 in H0.
  pose proof Assertion_sub_spec st1 st2 _ P _ _ H0 H1.

Lemma hoare_consequence_sound : (T: FirstOrderLogic) (P P' Q Q' : Assertion) c,
  FOL_sound T
  ⊨ {{P'}} c {{Q'}} →
  ⊨ {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold FOL_sound in H.
  unfold derives in H0, H2.
  apply H in H0.
  apply H in H2.
  unfold FOL_valid in H0, H2.
  simpl in H0, H2.
  unfold valid in H1.
  unfold valid.
  assert ((st1, La) ⊨ P').
    specialize (H0 (st1, La)).
  pose proof H1 _ _ _ H5 H4.
  specialize (H2 (st2, La)).

Theorem Hoare_logic_soundness: (T: FirstOrderLogic) (TS: FOL_sound T),
  hoare_sound T.
  unfold hoare_sound.
  remember ({{P}} c {{Q}}) as Tr.
  clear P c Q HeqTr.
  induction H.
  + eapply hoare_seq_sound.
    - exact IHprovable1.
    - exact IHprovable2.
  + apply hoare_skip_sound.
  + apply hoare_if_sound.
    - exact IHprovable1.
    - exact IHprovable2.
  + apply hoare_while_sound.
    exact IHprovable.
  + apply hoare_asgn_bwd_sound.
  + pose proof hoare_consequence_sound T P P' Q Q' c TS H IHprovable H1.
    exact H2.

(* Thu Apr 25 12:10:27 UTC 2019 *)