Lecture notes 20190430

Denotations Versus Triples 3

Require Import PL.Imp8.
Import Assertion_D.
Import Abstract_Pretty_Printing.

Weakest Precondition

A Hoare logic is complete if all valid Hoare triples are provable.
Definition hoare_complete (T: FirstOrderLogic): Prop :=
  P c Q,
    ⊨ {{ P }} c {{ Q }} →
    ⊢ {{ P }} c {{ Q }}.
The general idea of proving Hoare logic completeness is to prove those Hoare triples with weakest preconditions are provable. Specifically, an assertion P is called the weakest precondition of c and Q if Hoare triple
    {{P}c {{Q}}
is valid and for any other P', if {{P'}} c {{Q}} is valid, then
    P' IMPLY P
is valid. Again, remember that an assertion is called valid if it is satisfied on all interpreations.
Definition FOL_valid (P: Assertion): Prop :=
  J: Interp, JP.

Definition wp' (P: Assertion) (c: com) (Q: Assertion): Prop :=
  (⊨ {{ P }} c {{ Q }}) ∧
  (P', (⊨ {{ P' }} c {{ Q }}) → FOL_valid (P' IMPLY P)).
Although this definition above is very natural, we can actually be more specific on what this weakest precondition should be.
Definition wp (P: Assertion) (c: com) (Q: Assertion): Prop :=
  st La,
    (st, La) ⊨ P
    (st', ceval c st st' → (st', La) ⊨ Q).
This definition says: a beginning state st satisfies P if and only if all possible ending states of executing c will satisfy Q. This definition directly defines what interpreations satisfy P. Of course, it is consistent will our previous definition.
Lemma wp_wp': P c Q,
  wp P c Qwp' P c Q.
  unfold wp in H; unfold wp'.
  + unfold valid.
    specialize (H st1 La).
  + intros.
    unfold FOL_valid; simpl.
    destruct J as [st La].
    rewrite H.
    unfold valid in H0.
    specialize (H0 La st).
    pose proof classic ((st, La) ⊨ P').
    destruct H1; [right | left; exact H1].
Hoare logic's completeness proof needs two important lemmas:
  • expressiveness: for any c and Q, there is an assertion to express the weakest precondition of c and Q;
  • if P expresses the weakest precondition of c and Q, then {{ P }} c {{ Q }} is provable.
Here are their formal statement.
Definition expressive: Prop :=
  c Q, P, wp P c Q.

Definition wp_provable (T: FirstOrderLogic): Prop :=
  P c Q, wp P c Q → ⊢ {{ P }} c {{ Q }}.
We show that, if there two properties hold, the Hoare logic is complete given the fact that the assertion derivation logic itself is complete.
Definition FOL_complete (T: FirstOrderLogic): Prop :=
  P: Assertion, FOL_valid PFOL_provable P.

Proposition Hoare_complete_main_proof: T: FirstOrderLogic,
  wp_provable T
  FOL_complete T
  hoare_complete T.
  unfold hoare_complete.
  intros P' c Q ?.
First, by expressiveness, there is an assertion P which can express c and Q's weakest precondition.
  unfold expressive in H.
  specialize (H c Q).
  destruct H as [P ?].
Next, by the fact that all triples with weakest preconditions are provable, we know that {{ P }} c {{ Q }} is provable.
  unfold wp_provable in H0.
  specialize (H0 _ _ _ H).
Now, by the definition of "weakest_pre", we know that P' is semantically stronger than P.
  apply wp_wp' in H.
  unfold wp' in H.
  destruct H.
  apply H3 in H2; clear H H3.
Since we assume that the first order logic T is complete, we know that P' P from the fact that P' IMPLY P is valid.
  assert (P'P).
    unfold FOL_complete in H1.
    unfold derives.
    apply H1.
    exact H2.
  clear H2.
In the end, we complete our Hoare logic proof using the consequence rule.
  assert (QQ).
    unfold FOL_complete in H1.
    unfold derives.
    apply H1.
    unfold FOL_valid.
    intros; simpl.
  eapply hoare_consequence.
  + exact H.
  + exact H0.
  + exact H2.

Proof of Expressiveness

We prove this lemma by induction over the syntax tree of c.

If c = Skip

We are going to prove that: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that P is c and Q's weakest precondition.
Let P be Q. Then for given st and La, it is obvious that
    (stLa) ⊨ P
is equivalent to
    st'ceval c st st' → (stLa) ⊨ Q
since c = Skip and P = Q.

If c = X ::= E

The conclusion can be easily proved if we let P be
    Q [X ⟼ E].

If c = c1 ;; c2

IH1: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c1 Q.
IH2: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c2 Q.
We are going to prove that: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c Q.
For a fixed postcondition Q of c, let Q0 be c2 and Q's weakest precondition and let P be c1 and Q0's weakest precondition (they must exist according to IH). And we know that for any st and La,
    (stLa) ⊨ P iff for any st'if ceval c1 st st'then (st'La) ⊨ Q0;
    (stLa) ⊨ Q0 iff for any st'if ceval c2 st st'then (st'La) ⊨ Q.
Combining them together, we have
    (stLa) ⊨ P iff for any st' st'',
       if ceval c1 st st' and ceval c2 st' st''then (st''La) ⊨ Q.
Thus, wp P (c1;;c2) Q.

If c = If b Then c1 Else c2 EndIf

IH1: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c1 Q.
IH2: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c2 Q.
We are going to prove that: for any assertion Q, there is another assertion P such that wp P c Q.
For a fixed postcondition Q of c, let P1 be c1 and Q's weakest precondition and let P2 be c2 and Q's weakest precondition (they must exist according to IH). And we know that for any st and La,
    (stLa) ⊨ P1 iff for any st'if ceval c1 st st'then (st'La) ⊨ Q;
    (stLa) ⊨ P2 iff for any st'if ceval c2 st st'then (st'La) ⊨ Q.
Let P be P1 AND [[b]] OR P2 AND NOT [[b]] . Now, given an interpretation (st, La), it satisfies P if and only if one of the following is true:
    (stLa) ⊨ P1 and beval b st
    (stLa) ⊨ P2 and (beval b stis not true.
According to how P1 and P2 are introduced, we know P is a weakest precondition of c and Q, i.e. wp P c Q.

If c = While b Do c1 EndWhile

This is the most difficult case. We want to find a weakest precondition of c and Q, with the help from induction hypothesis (IH) is: for any assertion Q', there is another assertion P' such that wp P' c1 Q'.
By the definition of wp, we want to find an assertion P such that:
    (st(0), La) ⊨ P if and only if
      for any natural number n,
        for any program states st(1), ..., st(n),
        if for any 0 ≤ i < n,
             (Abeval b st(i)
             (Bceval c1 st(ist(i+1)
        then either (beval b st(n)) or (st(n), La) ⊨ Q.
We know that only finite program variables can be mentioned in Q and c. Suppose they are X1, X2, ..., Xm. Then we can restate the criterion above — P should be (informally):
      for any natural number n,
        for any integers x(0,1), x(0,2), ..., x(0,m),
                         x(1,1), x(1,2), ..., x(1,m),
                         x(2,1), x(2,2), ..., x(2,m),
                         x(n,1), x(n,2), ..., x(n,m),
        (1) [X1 ]] == x(0,1) AND ... AND [Xm ]] == x(0, mAND
        (2) for any iif 0 ≤ i < nthen
              (2.1) b [ X1 ⟼ x(i, 1); ...; Xm ⟼ x(im) ]
              (2.2) IH(X1 = x(i + 1, 1) AND ... AND Xm = x(i + 1, m))
                      [ X1 ⟼ x(i, 1); ...; Xm ⟼ x(im) ]
              (2.3) NOT IH(False) [ X1 ⟼ x(i, 1); ...; Xm ⟼ x(im) ]
        then either
        (3) b [ X1 ⟼ x(n, 1); ...; Xm ⟼ x(nm) ]; or
        (4) Q [ X1 ⟼ x(n, 1); ...; Xm ⟼ x(nm) ].
In this informal statement, we use x(i,1), x(i,2), ..., x(i,m) to represent all program variables' values after i iterations. Property (1) says that (st, La) agree with the description of x(0,1), x(0,2), ..., x(0,m). Property (2.1) says that the loop condition is true after the first i iterations. Property (2.2) says: if the loop body of i+1th iteration terminates, its ending state is the one described by x(i+1,1), ..., x(i+1,m). Eventually, property (2.3) says: if the loop body of i+1th iteration will terminate.
Noticing that this is almost an assertion, except for one thing — the dynamic sized quantification over integers xs. This problem can be solved by Godel's beta predicate.

Godel Beta Predicate

The Godel beta predicate Beta(a,b,i,x) is defined as:
    x = a mod (1 + (i+1) * b)
According to The Chinese remainder theorem, for any natural number n and natural number sequence x(0), x(1), ..., x(n), there always exist a and b such that for any 0 i n,
    Beta(abiyif and only if y = x(i).
That means, any quantification over sequences can be represented by a combination of a fixed number of normal quantification and the Godel beta predicate. For example, the following two statement are equivalent:
    for any natural numbers nx(0), x(1), ..., x(n),
      if for any i, 0 ≤ i < nx(i) ≤ x(i+1) holds,
      then x(nsatisfies property R
    for any natural numbers nab,
         for any ix and x',
           if 0 ≤ i < nBeta(abixand Beta(abi+1, x')
           then x < x'
         for any x,
           if Beta(abnxthen x satisfies property P.
Using this method, we can easily state loops' weakest preconditions in our assertion language.
This proves the expressiveness lemma.

Triples With Weakest Precondtions

In this part, we prove that if P is c and Q's weakest precondition, then the Hoare triple is provable. Noticing that the assertion P is not necessarily the weakest precondition constructed by the expressiveness lemma, we argue about all possible triples such that wp P c Q holds.
Again, we prove this lemma by induction over the syntax tree of c.

If c = Skip

If P is a weakest precondition of c and Q, we know that P is actually equivalent with Q. Thus, P IMPLY Q is a valid first order proposition. By the assertion derivation logic's completeness, we know that P Q which is immediately followed by {{ P }} c {{ Q }} according to the consequence rule.

If c = X ::= E

The proof is similar.

If c = c1 ;; c2

The proof is similar.

If c = If b Then c1 Else c2 EndIf

The proof is similar.

If c = While b Do c1 EndWhile

This is the only interesting case! Suppose wp P c Q. We know:
    for any st and La,
      (stLa) ⊨ P if and only if
      for any st'if (ceval c st st'), then (st'La) ⊨ Q.
Now, consider the weakest precondition of c1 and P. We claim that P AND [[ b ]] is stronger than weakest preconditions of c1 and P.
For fixed st and La, if
    (stLa) ⊨ P AND [b ]]
then for any st'
    if (ceval c st st'), then (st'La) ⊨ Q.
Since b is true on st, we know that for any st' and st'',
    if (ceval c1 st st'and (ceval c st' st''), then (st''La) ⊨ Q.
This is equivalent to say: for any st',
    if (ceval c1 st st'then for any st'',
       if (ceval c st' st''), then (st''La) ⊨ Q.
By the fact that wp P c Q, we conclude that for any st',
    if (ceval c1 st st'then (st'La) ⊨ P.
Now, suppose P' is a weakest precondtion of c and P (by expressiveness lemma, it must exist). What we just proved means that (P AND [[ b ]]) IMPLY P' is a valid assertion. By the first order logic's completeness,
    P AND [[b]] ⊢ P'.
By induction hypothesis:
    ⊢ {P' }c1 {P }}.
Then by the consequence rule:
    ⊢ {P AND [b ]}c1 {P }}.
    ⊢ {P }c {P AND NOT [b ]}}.
At the same time, due to wp P c Q, it is obvious that if (st, La) P AND NOT [[ b ]] on some interpretation (st, La), then (st, La) Q. In other words, (P AND NOT [[ b ]]) IMPLY Q is valid. Thus,
    P AND NOT [b ]] ⊢ Q.
    ⊢ {P }c {Q }}.
This proves that all triples with weakest preconditions are provable.
(* Thu May 30 14:23:04 UTC 2019 *)