Lecture notes 20210531 Lambda Calculus 4
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import PL.RTClosure.
Local Open Scope Z.
Local Open Scope string.
Local Open Scope list.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import PL.RTClosure.
Local Open Scope Z.
Local Open Scope string.
Local Open Scope list.
Inductive op : Type :=
| Oplus
| Ominus
| Omult
| Oeq
| Ole
| Onot
| Oand
| Oifthenelse
| Ounitele
| Oread (* new *)
| Owrite (* new *)
| Oalloc (* new *)
Definition addr: Type := nat.
Inductive constant : Type :=
| int_const (n: Z): constant
| bool_const (b: bool): constant
| op_const (o: op): constant
| addr_const (p: addr): constant (* new *)
Inductive tm : Type :=
| var : string -> tm
| app : tm -> tm -> tm
| abs : string -> tm -> tm
| con : constant -> tm.
Coercion var: string >-> tm.
Coercion op_const: op >-> constant.
Coercion bool_const: bool >-> constant.
Coercion int_const: Z >-> constant.
Coercion addr_const: addr >-> constant.
Coercion con: constant >-> tm.
Definition letx (x: string) (t1 t2: tm): tm :=
app (abs x t2) t1.
Notation "'\let' x '\be' t1 '∈' t2" :=
(letx x t1 t2) (at level 20).
Notation "t1 + t2" := (app (app Oplus t1) t2): tm_scope.
Notation "t1 - t2" := (app (app Ominus t1) t2): tm_scope.
Notation "t1 * t2" := (app (app Omult t1) t2): tm_scope.
Notation "t1 == t2" := (app (app Oeq t1) t2)
(at level 70, no associativity): tm_scope.
Delimit Scope tm_scope with tm.
Example get_and_add :=
abs "p" (
\let "x" \be (app Oread "p") \in
\let "_" \be (app (app Owrite "p") (app (app Oplus "x") 1)) \in
Example alloc_get :=
\let "p" \be (app Oalloc 0) \in
app get_and_add "p".
Example alloc_get3 :=
\let "p" \be (app Oalloc 1) \in
\let "x" \be (app get_and_add "p") \in
\let "y" \be (app get_and_add "p") \in
\let "z" \be (app get_and_add "p") \in
(100 * "x" + 10 * "y" + "z")%tm.
Print alloc_get3.
Example swap :=
abs "p" (abs "q" (
\let "x" \be (app Oread "p") \in
\let "_" \be (app (app Owrite "p") (app Oread "q")) \in
app (app Owrite "q") "x")).
Example swap12 :=
\let "p" \be (app Oalloc 1) \in
\let "q" \be (app Oalloc 2) \in
\let "_" \be (app (app swap "p") "q") \in
(10 * (app Oread "p") + app Oread "q")%tm.
Example fact3 :=
\let "p" \be (app Oalloc (abs "x" "x")) \in
\let "fact" \be
(abs "x"
(app (app (app Oifthenelse ("x" == 0)%tm)
("x" * (app (app Oread "p") ("x" - 1)))%tm)) \in
\let "_" \be (app (app Owrite "p") "fact") \in
app "fact" 3.
Example fact4 :=
\let "p" \be (app Oalloc (abs "x" "x")) \in
\let "fact" \be
(abs "x"
(app (app (app Oifthenelse ("x" == 0)%tm)
("x" * (app (app Oread "p") ("x" - 1)))%tm)) \in
\let "_" \be (app (app Owrite "p") "fact") \in
app "fact" 4.
Inductive tm_base_halt: tm -> Prop :=
| BH_plus: ∀n: Z, tm_base_halt (app Oplus n)
| BH_minus: ∀n: Z, tm_base_halt (app Ominus n)
| BH_mult: ∀n: Z, tm_base_halt (app Omult n)
| BH_eq: ∀n: Z, tm_base_halt (app Oeq n)
| BH_le: ∀n: Z, tm_base_halt (app Ole n)
| BH_and: ∀b: bool, tm_base_halt (app Oand b)
| BH_if1: ∀b: bool, tm_base_halt (app Oifthenelse b)
| BH_if2: ∀(b: bool) (t: tm), tm_base_halt (app (app Oifthenelse b) t)
| BH_write: ∀p: addr, tm_base_halt (app Owrite p) (* new *)
| BH_unit: tm_base_halt Ounitele
Inductive tm_base_pend: tm -> Prop :=
| BP_plus: ∀n: Z, tm_base_pend (app Oplus n)
| BP_minus: ∀n: Z, tm_base_pend (app Ominus n)
| BP_mult: ∀n: Z, tm_base_pend (app Omult n)
| BP_eq: ∀n: Z, tm_base_pend (app Oeq n)
| BP_le: ∀n: Z, tm_base_pend (app Ole n)
| BP_and_true: tm_base_pend (app Oand true)
| BP_write: ∀p, tm_base_pend (app Owrite p) (* new *)
Inductive tm_halt: tm -> Prop :=
| H_abs: ∀x t, tm_halt (abs x t)
| H_con: ∀c, tm_halt (con c)
| H_base: ∀t, tm_base_halt t -> tm_halt t.
Inductive tm_pend: tm -> Prop :=
| P_abs: ∀x t, tm_pend (abs x t)
| P_con: ∀c, tm_pend (con c)
| P_base: ∀t, tm_base_pend t -> tm_pend t.
Definition state := list tm.
Fixpoint read_state (s: state) (p: addr): option tm :=
match s, p with
| t :: _, O ⇒ Some t
| _ :: s', S p' ⇒ read_state s' p'
| _, _ ⇒ None
Fixpoint write_state (s: state) (p: addr) (t: tm): option state :=
match s, p with
| _ :: s', O ⇒ Some (t :: s')
| s0 :: s', S p' ⇒
match write_state s' p' t with
| Some s'' ⇒ Some (s0 :: s'')
| None ⇒ None
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition alloc_state (s: state) (t: tm): state := s ++ t :: nil.
Definition new_address (s: state): addr := length s.
Inductive base_step: tm * state -> tm * state -> Prop :=
| BS_plus: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
base_step (app (app Oplus n1) n2, s) (n1 + n2: tm, s)
| BS_minus: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
base_step (app (app Ominus n1) n2, s) (n1 - n2: tm, s)
| BS_mult: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
base_step (app (app Omult n1) n2, s) (n1 * n2: tm, s)
| BS_eq_true: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
n1 = n2 ->
base_step (app (app Oeq n1) n2, s) (true: tm, s)
| BS_eq_false: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
n1 ≠ n2 ->
base_step (app (app Oeq n1) n2, s) (false: tm, s)
| BS_le_true: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
n1 ≤ n2 ->
base_step (app (app Ole n1) n2, s) (true: tm, s)
| BS_le_false: ∀(n1 n2: Z) (s: state),
n1 > n2 ->
base_step (app (app Ole n1) n2, s) (false: tm, s)
| BS_not: ∀(b: bool) (s: state),
base_step (app Onot b, s) (negb b: tm, s)
| BS_and_true: ∀(b: bool) (s: state),
base_step (app (app Oand true) b, s) (b: tm, s)
| BS_and_false: ∀(t: tm) (s: state),
base_step (app (app Oand false) t, s) (false: tm, s)
| BS_if_true: ∀(t1 t2: tm) (s: state),
base_step (app (app (app Oifthenelse true) t1) t2, s) (t1, s)
| BS_if_false: ∀(t1 t2: tm) (s: state),
base_step (app (app (app Oifthenelse false) t1) t2, s) (t2, s)
| BS_read: ∀(p: addr) (s: state) (t: tm),
read_state s p = Some t ->
base_step (app Oread p, s) (t, s)
| BS_write: ∀(p: addr) (t: tm) (s s': state),
tm_halt t ->
write_state s p t = Some s' ->
base_step (app (app Owrite p) t, s) (Ounitele: tm, s')
| BS_alloc: ∀(t: tm) (s: state),
tm_halt t ->
base_step (app Oalloc t, s) (new_address s: tm, alloc_state s t)
Fixpoint subst (x : string) (s : tm) (t : tm) : tm :=
match t with
| var x' ⇒
if string_dec x x' then s else t
| abs x' t1 ⇒
abs x' (if string_dec x x' then t1 else subst x s t1)
| app t1 t2 ⇒
app (subst x s t1) (subst x s t2)
| con c ⇒
con c
Notation "t [ x ⟼ s ]" := (subst x s t) (at level 10, x at next level).
Inductive step: tm * state -> tm * state -> Prop :=
| S_base: ∀t1 t2 s1 s2,
base_step (t1, s1) (t2, s2) ->
step (t1, s1) (t2, s2)
| S_beta: ∀x t1 t2 s,
tm_halt t2 ->
step (app (abs x t1) t2, s) (t1 [ x ⟼ t2], s)
| S_app1: ∀t1 t1' t2 s s',
step (t1, s) (t1', s') ->
step (app t1 t2, s) (app t1' t2, s')
| S_app2: ∀t1 t2 t2' s s',
tm_pend t1 ->
step (t2, s) (t2', s') ->
step (app t1 t2, s) (app t1 t2', s')
Definition is_base_halting (t: tm): bool :=
match t with
| app (con (op_const Oplus)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Ominus)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Omult)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Oeq)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Ole)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Oand)) (con (bool_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Oifthenelse)) (con (bool_const _)) ⇒ true
| app
(app (con (op_const Oifthenelse)) (con (bool_const _)))
(con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Owrite)) (con (addr_const _)) ⇒ true
| con (op_const Ounitele) ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Definition is_base_pending (t: tm): bool :=
match t with
| app (con (op_const Oplus)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Ominus)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Omult)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Oeq)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Ole)) (con (int_const _)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Oand)) (con (bool_const true)) ⇒ true
| app (con (op_const Owrite)) (con (addr_const _)) ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Definition is_halting (t: tm): bool :=
match t with
| abs _ _ ⇒ true
| con _ ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ is_base_halting t
Definition is_pending (t: tm): bool :=
match t with
| abs _ _ ⇒ true
| con _ ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ is_base_pending t
Definition base_next_state (t_s: tm * state): option (tm * state) :=
let (t, s) := t_s in
match t with
| app (app Oplus (con (int_const n1))) (con (int_const n2)) ⇒
Some (con (int_const (n1 + n2)), s)
| app (app Ominus (con (int_const n1))) (con (int_const n2)) ⇒
Some (con (int_const (n1 - n2)), s)
| app (app Omult (con (int_const n1))) (con (int_const n2)) ⇒
Some (con (int_const (n1 * n2)), s)
| app (app Oeq (con (int_const n1))) (con (int_const n2)) ⇒
if Z.eq_dec n1 n2
then Some (con (bool_const true), s)
else Some (con (bool_const false), s)
| app (app Ole (con (int_const n1))) (con (int_const n2)) ⇒
if Z_le_gt_dec n1 n2
then Some (con (bool_const true), s)
else Some (con (bool_const false), s)
| app Onot (con (bool_const b)) ⇒
Some (con (bool_const (negb b)), s)
| app (app Oand (con (bool_const true))) (con (bool_const b)) ⇒
Some (con (bool_const b), s)
| app (app Oand (con (bool_const false))) _ ⇒
Some (con (bool_const false), s)
| app (app (app Oifthenelse (con (bool_const true))) t1) _ ⇒
Some (t1, s)
| app (app (app Oifthenelse (con (bool_const false))) _) t2 ⇒
Some (t2, s)
| app Oread (con (addr_const p)) ⇒
match read_state s p with
| Some t' ⇒ Some (t', s)
| None ⇒ None
| app (app Owrite (con (addr_const p))) t0 ⇒
if is_halting t0
match write_state s p t0 with
| Some s' ⇒ Some (con (op_const Ounitele), s')
| None ⇒ None
| app Oalloc t0 ⇒
if is_halting t0
then Some (con (addr_const (new_address s)), alloc_state s t0)
else None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition beta_next_state (t: tm): option tm :=
match t with
| app (abs x t1) t2 ⇒ Some (t1 [x ⟼ t2])
| _ ⇒ None
Definition core_next_state (t_s: tm * state): option (tm * state) :=
let (t, s) := t_s in
match beta_next_state t, base_next_state (t, s) with
| Some t', _ ⇒ Some (t', s)
| _, Some t_s' ⇒ Some t_s'
| _, _ ⇒ None
Fixpoint next_state_rec (t: tm) (s: state): option (tm * state) :=
match t with
| app t1 t2 ⇒
match next_state_rec t1 s with
| Some (t1', s') ⇒ Some (app t1' t2, s')
| None ⇒ if is_pending t1
then match next_state_rec t2 s with
| Some (t2', s') ⇒ Some (app t1 t2', s')
| None ⇒ if is_halting t2
then core_next_state (t, s)
else None
else base_next_state (t, s)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition next_state (t_s: tm * state): option (tm * state) :=
let (t, s) := t_s in
next_state_rec t s.
Ltac destruct_eqn t :=
[ is_var t; destruct t
| match type of t with sumbool _ _ ⇒ destruct t end
| destruct t eqn:?H ].
Ltac case_analysis_and_discriminiate H :=
match type of H with
| match ?t with _ ⇒ _ end = _ ⇒
destruct_eqn t;
match type of H with
| false = true ⇒ discriminate H
| None = Some _ ⇒ discriminate H
| Some _ = Some _ ⇒ injection H as H
| _ ⇒ idtac
Lemma is_base_halting_sound: ∀t,
is_base_halting t = true ->
tm_base_halt t.
unfold is_base_halting in H.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H; constructor.
Lemma is_base_pending_sound: ∀t,
is_base_pending t = true ->
tm_base_pend t.
unfold is_base_pending in H.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H; constructor.
Lemma is_halting_sound: ∀t,
is_halting t = true ->
tm_halt t.
unfold is_halting in H.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H; try constructor.
+ apply is_base_halting_sound in H; auto.
+ apply is_base_halting_sound in H; auto.
Lemma is_pending_sound: ∀t,
is_pending t = true ->
tm_pend t.
unfold is_pending in H.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H; try constructor.
+ apply is_base_pending_sound in H; auto.
+ apply is_base_pending_sound in H; auto.
Lemma base_next_state_sound: ∀t_s t_s',
base_next_state t_s = Some t_s' ->
base_step t_s t_s'.
destruct t_s as [t s], t_s' as [t' s'].
unfold base_next_state in H.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H; try (subst; constructor; try tauto).
+ apply is_halting_sound, H0.
+ apply is_halting_sound, H0.
Lemma beta_next_state_sound: ∀t1 t2 t' s,
tm_halt t2 ->
beta_next_state (app t1 t2) = Some t' ->
step (app t1 t2, s) (t', s).
unfold beta_next_state in H0.
repeat case_analysis_and_discriminiate H0.
apply S_beta, H.
Lemma core_next_state_sound: ∀t1 t2 t' s s',
tm_halt t2 ->
core_next_state (app t1 t2, s) = Some (t', s') ->
step (app t1 t2, s) (t', s').
unfold core_next_state in H0.
destruct (beta_next_state (app t1 t2)) eqn:?H.
+ injection H0 as H0 H2; subst t' s'.
apply beta_next_state_sound; tauto.
+ destruct (base_next_state (app t1 t2, s)) eqn:?H; [| discriminate H0].
injection H0 as H0; subst p.
apply base_next_state_sound in H2.
apply S_base; tauto.
Arguments base_next_state: simpl never.
Arguments beta_next_state: simpl never.
Arguments core_next_state: simpl never.
Lemma next_state_sound: ∀t_s t_s',
next_state t_s = Some t_s' ->
step t_s t_s'.
destruct t_s as [t s], t_s' as [t' s'].
simpl in H.
revert t' s' H; induction t; intros; simpl in H;
[discriminate H | | discriminate H | discriminate H].
destruct (next_state_rec t1 s) as [[? ?] |] eqn:?H in H.
apply IHt1 in H0.
injection H as H; subst t' s'.
apply S_app1, H0.
destruct (is_pending t1) eqn:?H in H.
2: {
apply base_next_state_sound in H.
apply S_base, H.
apply is_pending_sound in H1.
destruct (next_state_rec t2 s) as [[? ?] |] eqn:?H in H.
apply IHt2 in H2.
injection H as H; subst t' s'.
apply S_app2; tauto.
destruct (is_halting t2) eqn:?H in H.
apply is_halting_sound in H3.
apply core_next_state_sound; tauto.
discriminate H.
Example result_1:
clos_refl_trans step
(alloc_get, nil)
(0: tm, (1: tm) :: nil).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Example result_2:
clos_refl_trans step
(alloc_get3, nil)
(123: tm, (4: tm) :: nil).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Example result_3:
clos_refl_trans step
(swap12, nil)
(21: tm, s).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Example result_4:
clos_refl_trans step
(fact3, nil)
(6: tm, s).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Example result_5:
clos_refl_trans step
(fact4, nil)
(24: tm, s).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Definition linked_list_sample :=
\let "get_and_swap3" \be
(abs "px" (abs "py" (abs "pz" (abs "_" (
\let "x" \be (app Oread "px") \in
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "px") (app Oread "py") \in
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "py") (app Oread "pz") \in
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "pz") "x" \in
"x"))))) \in
\let "get3" \be
(abs "getter" (abs "px" (abs "py" (abs "pz" (
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "px") (app "getter" Ounitele) \in
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "py") (app "getter" Ounitele) \in
\let "_" \be app (app Owrite "pz") (app "getter" Ounitele) \in
Ounitele))))) \in
\let "p_create" \be (app Oalloc 0) \in
\let "create" \be
(abs "n"
(app (app (app Oifthenelse ("n" == 0)%tm)
(app (app (app "get_and_swap3"
(app Oalloc 0))
(app Oalloc false))
(app Oalloc 0))) (* which means null *)
(\let "rec" \be (app (app Oread "p_create") ("n" - 1)%tm) \in
app (app (app "get_and_swap3"
(app Oalloc "n"))
(app Oalloc true))
(app Oalloc "rec")))) \in
\let "_" \be (app (app Owrite "p_create") "create") \in
\let "result" \be (app "create" 10) \in
\let "p_data" \be (app Oalloc 0) \in
\let "p_flag" \be (app Oalloc 0) \in
\let "p_link" \be (app Oalloc 0) \in
\let "_" \be (app (app (app (app "get3" "result") "p_data") "p_flag") "p_link") \in
\let "result" \be (app Oread "p_link") \in
\let "_" \be (app (app (app (app "get3" "result") "p_data") "p_flag") "p_link") \in
\let "result" \be (app Oread "p_link") \in
\let "_" \be (app (app (app (app "get3" "result") "p_data") "p_flag") "p_link") \in
app Oread "p_data".
Example result_6:
clos_refl_trans step
(linked_list_sample, nil)
(8: tm, s).
(etransitivity_1n; [apply next_state_sound; reflexivity | try simpl subst]).
Inductive ty : Type :=
| TBool : ty
| TInt : ty
| TArrow : ty -> ty -> ty
| TUnit : ty
| TRef : ty -> ty (* new *).
Notation "T1 ~> T2" := (TArrow T1 T2) (right associativity, at level 30).
Definition context := string -> option ty.
Definition empty_context: context := fun _ ⇒ None.
Definition context_update (Gamma : context) (x : string) (T : ty) :=
fun x' ⇒ if string_dec x x' then Some T else Gamma x'.
Notation "x '⟼' T ';' Gamma" := (context_update Gamma x T)
(at level 100, T at next level, right associativity).
Definition state_ty := list ty.
Fixpoint addr_ty (ST: state_ty) (p: addr): option ty :=
match ST, p with
| T :: _, O ⇒ Some T
| _ :: ST', S p' ⇒ addr_ty ST' p'
| _, _ ⇒ None
Inductive op_type: op -> ty -> Prop :=
| OT_plus: op_type Oplus (TInt ~> TInt ~> TInt)
| OT_minus: op_type Ominus (TInt ~> TInt ~> TInt)
| OT_mult: op_type Omult (TInt ~> TInt ~> TInt)
| OT_eq: op_type Oeq (TInt ~> TInt ~> TBool)
| OT_le: op_type Ole (TInt ~> TInt ~> TBool)
| OT_not: op_type Onot (TBool ~> TBool)
| OT_and: op_type Oand (TBool ~> TBool ~> TBool)
| OT_if: ∀T, op_type Oifthenelse (TBool ~> T ~> T ~> T)
| OT_read: ∀T, op_type Oread (TRef T ~> T)
| OT_write: ∀T, op_type Owrite (TRef T ~> T ~> TUnit)
| OT_alloc: ∀T, op_type Oalloc (T ~> TRef T)
Inductive const_type: state_ty -> constant -> ty -> Prop :=
| CT_int: ∀n ST, const_type ST (int_const n) TInt
| CT_bool: ∀b ST, const_type ST (bool_const b) TBool
| CT_op: ∀o ST T, op_type o T -> const_type ST (op_const o) T
| CT_addr: ∀p ST T,
addr_ty ST p = Some T -> const_type ST (addr_const p) T
Inductive has_type: context -> state_ty -> tm -> ty -> Prop :=
| T_var : ∀Gamma ST x T,
Gamma x = Some T ->
has_type Gamma ST (var x) T
| T_abs : ∀Gamma ST x T11 T12 t12,
has_type (x ⟼ T11 ; Gamma) ST t12 T12 ->
has_type Gamma ST (abs x t12) (T11 ~> T12)
| T_app : ∀T11 T12 Gamma ST t1 t2,
has_type Gamma ST t1 (T11 ~> T12) ->
has_type Gamma ST t2 T11 ->
has_type Gamma ST (app t1 t2) T12
| T_con : ∀T Gamma ST c,
const_type ST c T ->
has_type Gamma ST (con c) T
Notation "Gamma ';' ST '|-' t '∈' T" := (has_type Gamma ST t T) (at level 40).
This system is type safe but not expressive enough for data structures
like linked lists and binary trees.
(* 2021-05-24 21:19 *)