Lecture notes 20210602 SSA 1

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import PL.Imp.
Import ListNotations.

Static single assignment form

SSA form is a special kind of intermediate language used in modern compilers. The most famous intermediate language in SSA form is LLVM and the famous clang compiler uses LLVM as its backend.
SSA means, each variable is a target of exactly one assignment command in the program text. It is not the case for ordinary programs. For example,
        X ::= Y + 1;;
        X ::= X + 1
in this program above, the program variable X appears as the targets of two assginment commands. We may turn this program into the following form:
        X1 ::= Y + 1;;
        X2 ::= X1 + 1
Then it is in SSA form since we distinguish the X after the first assignment and the X after the second assignment.
Sometimes, you may find such kind of transformation impossible. For example,
        If (X == 42)
        Then Y ::= 0
        Else Y ::= X + 1
        Z ::= Y + 1
it is impossible to rename the program variable Y properly to meet our restriction. Thus, SSA form adds phi command to represent merging values of program variables. Here is an example:
        If (X == 42)
        Then Y1 ::= 0
        Else Y2 ::= X + 1
        Y3 ::= PHI(Y1Y2);;
        Z ::= Y3 + 1
The phi command Y3 ::= PHI(Y1, Y2) says Y1 will be assigned to Y3 if the control flow comes from the if-then branch, and Y2 will be assigned to Y3 if the control flow comes from the if-else branch.
Since every variable appears as the target of exact one assignment, this assignment is also called the variable's definition. The SSA is introduced for efficient data flow analysis and compiler optimization.

Control flow graph

Usually, we will represent SSA programs using control flow graphs. In a control flow graph, vertices are program points and edges are assignments, jumps, and conditional jumps. We can describe them in Coq as follows.
Definition label: Type := Z.

Module CFG.

Inductive VCom: Type :=
| CAss (X: var) (a: aexp) (o1: label)
| CSkip (o1: label)
| CCond (b: bexp) (o1 o2: label).

Record vertex := {
  vid: label;
  vcom: VCom;

Record com: Type := {
  entry: label;
  graph: list vertex;
  exit: label

End CFG.
Sometimes, we would prefer to represent the graph in a more compact form. In other words,
  • CSkip is meaningless and thus should be removed;
  • Consecutive assignments should be combined together in one edge.
We can define it in Coq as follows.
Module CFGBlock.

Inductive VCom: Type :=
| CJump (asg: list (var * aexp)) (o: label)
| CCond (asg: list (var * aexp)) (b: bexp) (o1 o2: label).

Record vertex := {
  vid: label;
  vcom: VCom;

Record com: Type := {
  entry: label;
  graph: list vertex;
  exit: label

End CFGBlock.

Constructing control flow graphs

We can easily build a CFG based on the program's syntax tree. We may accomplish that either by a recursive construction or by a traverse of the syntax tree. We define that by Coq's recursive functions.
Module Imp2CFG.

Inductive labeled_com: Type :=
| CSkip (l: label)
| CAss (X: var) (a: aexp) (l: label)
| CSeq (c1 c2 : labeled_com) (l: label)
| CIf (b : bexp) (c1 c2 : labeled_com) (l: label)
| CWhile (b : bexp) (c : labeled_com) (l: label).

Fixpoint add_label (c: Imp.com) (entry_label: label): labeled_com * Z :=
  match c with
  | Imp.CSkip ⇒ (CSkip entry_label, entry_label + 1)
  | Imp.CAss X a ⇒ (CAss X a entry_label, entry_label + 1)
  | Imp.CSeq c1 c2match add_label c1 entry_label with
                      | (c1', entry_label') ⇒
                        match add_label c2 entry_label' with
                        | (c2', entry_label'') ⇒
                            (CSeq c1' c2' entry_label, entry_label'')
  | Imp.CIf b c1 c2match add_label c1 (entry_label + 1) with
                       | (c1', entry_label') ⇒
                         match add_label c2 entry_label' with
                         | (c2', entry_label'') ⇒
                             (CIf b c1' c2' entry_label, entry_label'')
  | Imp.CWhile b c1match add_label c1 (entry_label + 1) with
                       | (c1', entry_label') ⇒
                           (CWhile b c1' entry_label, entry_label')

Definition get_label (c: labeled_com): label :=
  match c with
  | CSkip l
  | CAss _ _ l
  | CSeq _ _ l
  | CIf _ _ _ l
  | CWhile _ _ ll

Fixpoint translate0 (c: labeled_com) (exit_label: Z): list CFG.vertex :=
  match c with
  | CSkip l
          CFG.vid := l;
          CFG.vcom := CFG.CSkip exit_label
  | CAss X a l
          CFG.vid := l;
          CFG.vcom := CFG.CAss X a exit_label
  | CSeq c1 c2 l
      translate0 c1 (get_label c2) ++ translate0 c2 exit_label
  | CIf b c1 c2 l
          CFG.vid := l;
          CFG.vcom := CFG.CCond b (get_label c1) (get_label c2)
        |}] ++
      translate0 c1 exit_label ++ translate0 c2 exit_label
  | CWhile b c1 l
          CFG.vid := l;
          CFG.vcom := CFG.CCond b (get_label c1) exit_label
        |}] ++
      translate0 c1 l

Definition translate (c: Imp.com): CFG.com :=
  match add_label c 0 with
  | (c', exit_label) ⇒
      {| CFG.entry := 0;
         CFG.graph := translate0 c' exit_label;
         CFG.exit := exit_label;

End Imp2CFG.
We could also define constructions of compact control flow graphs. We leave them as additional readings.

SSA construction, inserting PHI commands

The main idea of PHI command insertion is to find join nodes of assignments. Specifically,
  • In a CFG, basic block n1 dominates basic block n2 if every path in the CFG from the entry point to n2 includes n1. By convention, every basic block in a CFG dominates itself.
  • Basic block n1 strictly dominates n2 if n1 dominates n2 and n1 n2.
  • The dominance frontier of a node n, DF(n), is the border of the CFG region that is dominated by n. More formally, the set of nodes DF(n) contains all nodes x such that n dominates a predecessor of x but n does not strictly dominate x.
  • We lift the definition of DF to CFG node sets, i.e. DF(n1, n2, ...) is defined as the union of DF(n1), DF(n2), ...
  • Let omega_DF(S) (iterated dominance frontier) be the limit of the following sets of node:
             iter_DF(0, S) = empty-set
             iter_DF(1, S) = DF(S)
             iter_DF(n + 1, S) = DF(the union of S and iter_DF(nS))
    We should add PHI nodes for variable X on omega_DF(defs(X)), where defs(X) is the set of nodes that contain definitions of X.
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