Homework 9

Due: Jan. 04, 22:00:00

Lagrange dual

  1. Consider the following optimization problem:


    • Find the optimal solution and the optimal value of .
    • Write down the dual function and find the closed form.
    • Write down the dual problem.
    • Find the optimal solution to the dual problem.

Strong duality, Slater's condition

  1. Consider the following optimization problem:

    • Sketch the feasible set of the problem, and the level sets of the objective function.
    • Find the optimal solution and the optimal value .
    • Give the KKT conditions. Do there exist Lagrange multipliers and that satisfy KKT conditions?
    • Write down the Lagrange dual function and the dual problem.
    • Solve the dual problem.
    • Does strong duality hold? Does Slater's condition hold?