Xinwen Yao, Singapore Eye Research Institute

2018-11-03 10:30:00 ~ 2018-11-03 12:00:00
Room 3-517A, SEIEE Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yuye Ling
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical sectioning technique that generates three-dimensional images of biological tissues usually with around 10 µm resolution at video frame rate It is an established medical imaging modality in Ophthalmology, and shows great potential in other medical fields, such as cardiology
This talk will focus on ultrahigh-resolution (UHR) OCT system and its functional extension for imaging human cardiac tissue and breast tissue It will begin with the technical part of design and optimization of an OCT spectrometer to achieve both high axial resolution and a large imaging depth at the same time The cross-polarization OCT, as a functional extension of UHR OCT system, will also be discussed with its application in myocardial imaging Finally, I will share our endeavor towards an on-chip integrated UHR OCT system
Xinwen Yao is a postdoctoral fellow at Singapore Eye Research Institute. Previously, she worked at Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral fellow under the instruction of Professor Xingde Li. She received her Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in 2018, advised by Professor Christine Hendon. Her interests are in developing multi-modality optical devices for imaging and therapeutic applications, as well as translational research. Her Ph.D thesis is devoted to development of ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography system and its functional extensions for various tissue imaging applications.