Deep Learning with Apache MxNet Gluon
Prof. Alexander J. Smola, Australian National University

2017-11-03 14:00:00 ~ 2017-11-03 16:00:00
Room 200, Yifu Building
Weinan Zhang, Kan Ren
In this tutorial I will give an overview of building deep learning models in Gluon, the new imperative API in Apache MxNet The tutorial covers basic models, optimization, automatic differentiation, layer and network design and distributed learning In particular, it covers deep structured networks for computer vision, natural language processing, and generative adversarial networks
For information about Gluon see gluon mxnet io and discuss gluon ai
Alex Smola is the head of Amazon AWS Machine Learning. Prior to his role at Amazon, Smola was a Professor in the Machine Learning Department of Carnegie Mellon University and cofounder and CEO of Marianas Labs. Prior to that he worked at Google Strategic Technologies, Yahoo Research, and National ICT Australia. Prior to joining CMU, he was professor at UC Berkeley and the Australian National University. Alex obtained his PhD at TU Berlin in 1998. He has published over 200 papers and written or coauthored 5 books, with an H-index of 100 and over 87,000 citations.