Reliable Resource Sharing on Multiprocessor Mixed-Criticality Systems 常万里,湖南大学 2021-06-17 电信群楼3-412会议室
Unlocking Text Generation Junxian He, Carnegie Mellon University 2021-05-01 电信群楼1-418A会议室;ZOOM视频会议(会议号:678 378 53819 ,会议密码:832118)
Bridging the "Programmability Gap" with Program Synthesis Chenglong Wang, University of Washington 2021-04-30 ZOOM线上会议(会议ID:653 898 77119, 会议密码:852825)
From Integrable system to Algebraic curve, from Algebraic curve to Cryptography and Information security 夏铁成,上海大学教授 2021-04-16 ZOOM线上会议(会议ID:648 978 37058, 会议密码:266202)